Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Red Barn plein air painting

There's this red barn in the neighborhood. I pass by it quite often and always wondered about the possibility of doing a plein air painting there. But, it's off of a rather busy street, and I worried about the attention I might get from passerby traffic if I set up my easel there.
One day, I got an email from Lisa. She said a couple of her students wants to paint the red barn (yes!), and asked if I would be interested in joining the group? I said "yes" right away. With some companions, I would be less afraid of attention.
Lisa even contacted the owner of the barn, who was so excited about artists coming to paint his barn that he said he would let a few horses out on our paint out day. Well, her other students cancelled the last minute, leaving Lisa and I with a gorgeous day out on the barn property all by ourselves. There are some out buildings next to the barn. For compositional reasons, I chose to omit them. I also moved the Eucalyptus trees closer to the barn for design reasons.
Getting started now. I decided on a vertical composition. Here's a shot of my very initial step of laying down my drawing on a toned canvas panel, and blocking in big shapes.
Making progress. Most lights and darks were laid in. The actual dirt path was straight, but I curved it around for compositional reasons, so that I lead viewer's eyes into the painting with that dirt path. I had also simplified the trees behind the barn, and replaced rotten chain link fencing with wood fence. Since we set up our easels right next to the street, and there was a stop sign right behind us, yes, we did get a lot of attention. Each time I turned around, I saw drivers looking at us. Eventually one van stopped, a lady walked out to check us out. She said she drove pass by twice to see us paint. :) Tada! Here's the finished painting! Not perfect, but good enough for a plein air beginner to share on her blog. I call this one "Seeing Red". It's 9" x 12", oil on canvas panel.