Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Long pose drawing

The best thing about exhibiting my art at Gallery Soho is discovering Joseph Todorovitch's studio right upstairs. What is even better about the discovery is an opportunity to be one of his students in his 10-week long pose drawing class. The drawing above is my work from tonight's class, which was the third class.

The class is full of very talented artist, but I think I am doing ok among them. This surprises me because... I have been primary a "landscape" painter. I really haven't work on my drawing skills as much as I should, and although I did have some training in figure drawing, it was 10 years ago already. Needless to say that my skills are beyond rustic now, and I went in to Joseph's class as a total beginner, basically. However, Joseph Todorovitch's is an amazing artist and I am truly thrill to have an opportunity to learn from him, so it is my goal to improve as much as I can during this 10-week long class.